
Senor Hootie

Hootie aka J-man, has become quite the personality. He still doesn't talk much, but he's been busy learning other things, important things. Things like jumping up and making a shocked face whenever he farts, shooting out his pointer finger and vigorously shaking his entire arm back and forth as if to say "No way, don't even think it, it was NOT me who just passed gas". He's a lover of all foods, with the occasional exception of hummus. He loves belly buttons, especially his, he plays with it non-stop, even while sleeping, I'll admit it's sort of odd but whatever floats his boat. Reading time is a favorite, but you are only allowed to read the first two pages of whatever book he brings you, after that time you MUST pick up a new book from the stack he bought over or you get yelled at. His stuffed friends have it rough, he loves them most times, but if they're in his way, they need to watch out, he will body slam them and throw them across the room with barely a seconds notice. For example, today one had the nerve to find itself sitting in his camping chair when Julian walked by, he must not have gotten the memo that Julian wanted to sit in the exact chair at 5pm, well, Quenton (the bear) found himself uprooted and chucked clear across the closest doorway, poor thing.

I'll leave you with a picture of Mr. Tudey pants refusing to look at the camera, what can I say, he's a little ferocious and strong willed like his Mama.

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